Local Business Spotlight: Mattioni Ltd

Nestled quietly among the historic homes in downtown Swedesboro is a modest brick colonial that houses one of the Delaware Valley’s prestigious law firms. Much like the historic Kate Talman house it occupies, Mattioni, Ltd has an intriguing background. The firm was founded in 1963 in Philadelphia by Dante Mattioni, and its initial partnership was formed shortly after in 1965. The company’s founding members are the five Mattioni brothers: Dante, Faustino, John, Eugene, and Blasco. Continue reading

Kings Highway Directional Pruning

Perhaps you’ve noticed as you’ve passed along Kings Highway that some of our trees appear to have fallen into the hands of an angry stylist.  However, unlike the result of a bad trip to the salon, this ugly cut won’t look any better two weeks from now.  These trees have been trimmed during a process called directional pruning, the most appropriate and acceptable practice to prune trees for electric utility line clearance.  Information about this technique follows.

Swedesboro Shade Tree Commission Continue reading