New Crosswalks and Pedestrian Safety Features

The Borough of Swedesboro recently installed and/or improved a number of new crosswalks along Kings Highway with the edition of lighted pedestrian crossing signs.

in New Jersey motorists are required to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.

IMG_3583Activated by the push of a button, the signs’ flashing lights will go off and allow motorists to have another visual cue that there is a pedestrian in the crosswalk and that they should stop their vehicle and let them pass.

Additional signage has been purchased to be placed in the middle of the street at the crosswalks that point out the NJ Law.  Signs will be placed at each of the crosswalks along kings highway and older signs will be shifted to other busy crosswalks.


It doesn’t stop here.  Swedesboro is continually working on ways to increase pedestrian safety to allow residents to get around town safely.