Light Swedesboro Up Blue!

Hey Swedesboro!

A note from Mayor Fromm:

I would like to ask you to help us “Light it Up Blue” in the Greater Swedesboro area to show our communities support for Autism Awareness Month that starts on April 2. We do this each year to show that we are a community that wants to let all the people who deal with autism every day know that we support them. Our goal is also to increase awareness of autism and especially how early detection and treatment can have a tremendous impact on our children.

I am asking all of our Swedesboro Businesses and residents to swap out a couple of your outdoor lights with blue bulbs from April 2nd until April 30th. True Value typically has blue bulbs available for this effort so please check with them if you need blue bulbs.

The town will be doing our part once again by lighting up our streetlights and buildings with blue lights – please join us.

If you want more information about this effort please visit